A-Z Index

New Teacher Induction and Mentoring

Beginning Teacher Assistance Program

This program is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System.

This opportunity provides:

  • networking with other new teachers and educational consultants
  • just-in-time learning (critical firsts)
  • awareness of the phases of a new teacher
  • relationship building skills
  • on-demand learning, including videos by Mike Rutherford

MTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP) meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements.

In-district support provided by NWRPDC staff, further supports a teacher’s first year at a deeper, more individualized level. Please contact RPDC office for information.

Location Sessions


Day 1: August 7


Day 1: August 4

St. Joseph



Day 1 Makeup for all locations

Day 1: August 5

Day 1 Makeup: September 4

  • New Teacher Register Here
  • Mentor Register Here 


Day 1: August 6

TeachNow Alt Cert Institute

MTDS TeachNow: Alt Cert Institute supports those entering the teaching profession through a non-traditional avenue. This institute will assist non-traditionally certified teachers in preparing to teach their students.

Covered in this institute:
-lesson planning strategies
-alignment of objectives to district curriculum and/or Missouri Learning Standards
-research-based classroom management strategies, effective classroom practices, and strategies for discouraging unwanted behaviors
-vocabulary, acronyms, and codes of conduct teachers are expected to know
-other topics based on the needs of the group

This program is not a substitute for a Beginning Teacher Assistance Program.


St Joseph


Second-Year Teacher Induction

This program offers continued support for early career teachers.

BTAP Year 2 is a four-day program designed to support teachers in applying The Artisan Teacher themes and high-yield instructional strategies in lesson design. Participants will receive a copy of Mike Rutherford's book, The Artisan Teacher.

 MTDS: Purposeful Lesson Planning is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System and is open to any teacher who has completed a Beginning Teacher Assistance Program in Missouri.

This opportunity provides:

  • access to on-demand learning, including Mike Rutherford's MTDS series
  • consultant support
  • networking with other teachers
  • competency-based programming

In-district support provided by NWRPDC staff, further supports a teacher’s second year at a deeper, more individualized level. Please contact RPDC office for information.

St Joseph Cohort 1

Day 1: September 9


Day 1: September 8

St Joseph Cohort 2

Day 1: September 11